

Mohith Raj MS

Is it not skin deep,

Like snow,
On the warmth of the ember glown stone,
Falling over,
Killing the heat.

Is it the messy hair all over,

Like the fall of a red leaf,
On the bed of withered fallen leaves.

Or may be the thirst quenched by stream, beneath the hill folds .
The lush green valley.

Like the maiden drop of rain,
Over the scarred, torn down land.
This drop to many,
For a season of prosperity.

Is it those moans of pleasure,

Like those unspoken words,
Sprouting open when,
Separation is imminent and inevitable.

Is it those nail trails,

Like the path taken by a rain drop,
On the window pane,
To meet the other,
And flow together till the brim.

Is it not the tongue story,

Like tangled bundle of threads,
Clinging onto each other,
Never breaking apart,
Until you cut them.

Is it not those faint caressing touches,

Like the gentle of gentle brush strokes,
The finishing to a huge canvas.

Or is it the cold sweat and the gasping for breath,

Like flight of a bird so hard,
To find a way out of the cage.

Or is it the deepest fantasy within,

Like the mermaid,
In the last lines,
Of the bedtime fairy tale.


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