Vijith V Pillai
It is a painful level.
I am becoming a stranger in you,
But only in you, not in me.
Because each day my brain
wakesup and sleeps with you.
Some times My heart is telling
your name accidently
and communicating with you,
can you hear that voice?
I dont want be a curse in your life.
Just like to be a smile,
just like to be an acquaintance.
Can you let me please? If can not,
Try to make me a hard stranger.
Keep try.
But through that try you will be
deeply exist in me.
I can’t understand, why can’t i make you also a stranger?
Who are you in me?
Are you someone in my last birth?
These kind of hundred questions are
around me. May be you are doing
this to forget you from me.
But it is..
Again and again.
അനുഭവങ്ങൾ വരികളായി മാറുമ്പോൾ…. അവയ്ക്ക് തീക്ഷ്ണതയേറും… മനോഹരമായ വരികൾ .