‘Bog’, ‘Yog’ and Money


The conversation held with Devdutt Pattanaik and Satish Padmanabhan discussed about the exploitations of the BJP Government. “I don’t think the government understands ‘yog’, the exercises in the public platform does not mean yoga”, Pattanaik replied to the mention of International Yoga Day by Satish Padmanabhan. Pattanaik explained about the complementary forces that is ‘bog’ and ‘yog’.

The session discussed about the difference between chasing money and getting money and the similarity it possesses with ‘Ranabhoomi’ and ‘Rangabhoomi’. “This government doesn’t understand ‘Rangabhoomi’, its constantly fighting. It finds reasons to fight.”, said Pattanaik. The problem that Pattanaik points out for India’s reason for the slow growth in development are the unwanted laws that exist which causes chaos. In his opinion, the key to succes is letting the ‘Lakshmi’ come to you rather than chasing it.

The session discussed about the sanskrit terms being misused and new meanings being made which exploits the actual intention behind the words.


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